1. University of Leeds ( UK 11th )
Accounting & Finance (1st )
Food Science (1st )
Electronical & Electronic Engineering (3rd)
Business (6th )
Economics (8th )
2. Lancaster University ( UK 6th ) |
Art & Design (3 rd)
Business (7th )
Accounting & Finance (7th )
Mechanical Engineering(11th )
Economics (12th )
3. Durham University (UK 7th) |
Theology, Divinity & Religious Studies(5th)
Archaeology (6th )
Law (7th )
Economics (15th )
Accounting & Finance (15th )
Business (15th )
4. University of Surrey (UK 23rd) |
出眾科系 :
Hospitality & Leisure Management (8th )
Mechanical Engineering (16th )
Economics (16th )
Electronical and Electronic Engineering (16th )
Psychology (17th )
5. The University of Sheffield (UK 25th) |
Architecture (3rd)
Civil Engineering (9th)
Mechanical Engineering (13th)
Business (19th)
Psychology (21st)
6. Royal Holloway University of London (UK 24th)
Music (9th)
Arts (17th)
Geography and Environmental Science (17th)
Media & film studies (30th)
Business (42nd)
1. University of Glasgow (UK 17th) |
Animal Science (1st)
Civil Engineering (2nd)
Aeronautical and Manufacturing (4th)
Accounting and Finance (5th)
General Engineering (5th)
2. University of Birmingham ( UK 14th) |
Hospitality,Leisure,Recreation and Tourism (1st )
Physiotherapy (6th)
Accounting and Finance (10th)
Civil Engineering (13th)
Mechanical Engineering (14th)
3. University of Nottingham ( UK 16th) |
Food Science (6th)
Electronic & Electronic Engineering (8th)
Economics (9th)
Mechanical Engineering (10th)
Civil Engineering (11th)
4. University of York ( UK 22nd ) |
History (6th)
Psychology (8th)
Business (14th)
Accounting & Finance (17th)
Law (18th)
5. University of Essex (UK 29th) |
出眾科系 :
Drama, Dance and Cinematics (1st)
Art and Design (5th)
Politics (8th)
Sports Science (9th)
Criminology (17th)
6. University of Liverpool (UK 31st) |
學校是著名的羅素大學集團和N8研究合作集團(N8 Research Partnership)的創始成員,其商學與管理學院也是國際商管學院促進協會 (AACSB) 成員之一。迄今為止學校已經培養出了九位諾貝爾獎得主(包括英國的第一個諾貝爾獎得主)。
出眾科系 :
Animal Science (6th)
Archaeology (6th)
Veterinary Medicine (6th)
Architecture (7th)
Physiotherapy (8th)
1. University of Leicester (38)
創建於1921年,於1957年獲得皇家許可證,擁有了正式頒發學位的權利。學校的現址由當地的紡織商Thomas Fielding Johnson所贈,目的是為了紀念在一戰中犧牲的人們。
出眾科系 :
Archaeology (10th)
General Engineering (18th)
Communication and Media Studies (19th)
Geology (20th)
Criminology (21st)
1. University of Swansea (UK 38th)
位於英國東北海岸的Swansea city,英譯為天鵝海城,有著美麗海岸,延綿山嶺的稱號。學校四周為鄉村地區,田園風景甚為迷人。
擁有室內運動相關設備包括操場、健身房、運動大廳、網球場、壁球場、攀石場地等。室外運動相關設備包括操場、各式球場 (橄欖球、足球、曲棍球、板球) 等。
出眾科系 :
Medicine (3rd)
Criminology (4th)
Computer Science (7th)
Communication and Media Studies (11th)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering (13th)
3. University of Portsmouth (UK 51st) |
Criminology (11th)
Chemical Engineering (17th)
Art and Design (19th)
Radiography (19th)
大學位於英國西南部的Plymouth市,成立於1862年,前身為綜合性技術學校,1992年獲得皇家許可晉升為大學。 校內80%的專業研究已達世界級的標準,其中許多方案亦獲得4星等級的評比,以其卓越的社會企業管理型態、社會關懷志工、生態保護活動,普利茅斯大學成為全球第一家達到社會企業均標 (Social Enterprise Mark) 的學校。
出眾科系 :
Food Science (7th)
Dentistry (9th)
Animal Science (14th)
Creative Writing (14th)
Social Work (15th)
5. Birmingham City University (UK 87th)
出眾科系 :
Land and Property Management (7th)
Materials Technology (12th)
Archaeology (16th)
Town and Country Planning and Landscape (19th)
6. Hertfordshire University (UK 90th)
創立於1952年,是英國女皇樞密院親自批准的大學之一,是也是英國最大的十所學府之一。學校培養實用型的工程技術人才和現代化的管理人才,因此與工商企業界和各行業協會 (律師協會、會計協會、護理協會等) 保持最緊密的聯繫,大學的課程設置特別強調理論結合實務,攻讀本科課程的學生,幾乎都有一年時間的實習機會。
出眾科系 :
Food Science (11th)
Radiography (17th)
Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism (25th)
Aeronautical and Manufacturing (26th)
Geography and Environmental Sciences (31st)